Yes, we offer a morning session for extended day that runs from 7:45 - 8:45 am, and an afternoon session that runs from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. It is not necessary for students to attend the full extended day session. Instead, families will be billed based on the time the student is present, rounded up to the nearest thirty-minute interval. For example, a student who is dropped off at 8:20 am will be charged for thirty minutes in the morning, and a child who is picked up at 4:55 will be charged for one hour in the afternoon.
Extended day care costs $20/hour, but we do offer discounted tuition for families who use the service more extensively. Here is a list of pricing (which reflects total usage for the whole summer, and not for each week):
0-10 hours: $18/hour
11-20 hours: $17/hour
21-30 hours: $16/hour
31-40 hours: $15/hour
41-50 hours: $14/hour
50+ hours: $12/hour
The prices listed above will only apply to families who pre-pay for extended day. Families who use the service on an as-needed basis will be charged $20/hour, and will be invoiced accordingly. Please only purchase the number of hours you are certain you will use, as we are not able to refund families who hours they do not end up needing.
Information about Extended Day will be sent out in late May/early June.