Brooklyn private independent school

BC Stories

Reflecting Berkeley Carroll’s commitment to address all aspects of community, inclusion and diversity, the BC Board of Trustees formed the Community and Inclusion Advisory Group (CIAG) in 2015.

The CIAG comprises representatives from the Board, Administration and parent community who come together at regular meetings to tackle these important issues from a big-picture perspective and to propose strategic recommendations for action or improvement. CIAG meetings focus on the experiences of students and families as they relate to race and ethnicity , socio-economic position, and other identities. The group explores questions related to financial aid, faculty diversity, inclusive viewpoints, and a variety of other topics. They seek to determine how to best understand and meet the needs of students and families across a wide array of differences and identities.

In Spring 2019, as part of this work, the CIAG began to record stories of parents in our BC community. These narratives allow community members to share their personal experiences and perspectives.

For the first two episodes of BC Stories, two parents, Lillian Chege and David Gluck, were interviewed by science journalist and author, Lydia Denworth. Ms. Denworth is a former BC Board Chair and parent of two alumni and one current student. The audio recordings were prepared by BC Upper School Tech Associate, Terrell Mabry. Photos were generously donated by Virginia L. S. Freire Photography LLC. Ms. Freire is a BC alumna and current BC board member.

Episode 1 - David Gluck

Episode 2 - Lillian Chege