Bari S. '10, Harvard '14

*Bari has since graduated from Harvard University with a BS in sociology. Stay tuned for an update!
Though I didn't believe that I would ever be prepared for a school the size of Harvard, I can attribute my success in college to Berkeley Carroll's small and nurturing environment. The close relationships that I formed with my amazing teachers at BC have proven to be invaluable. While many of classmates are afraid to approach their professors, BC has given me the confidence to reach out to accomplished faculty members and to seek advice and guidance when necessary.
I've also come to realize that BC is incredibly unique in its class and extracurricular offerings. My experiences in courses like Documenting the World and activities like Speech and Debate allowed me to discover the passions that I continue to pursue today as a sociology major. I'm also grateful that BC forged connections with surrounding communities and encouraged me to take part in service opportunities.
At Harvard, I co-direct a youth prison tutoring program and I'm working with a team to launch a public health-oriented startup. I'm confident that years after my college graduation -- when I will hopefully be building a rewarding (though probably not lucrative) career in public service -- I will still credit my skills and interests to the time that I spent at 181 Lincoln Pl.