Brooklyn private independent school

Support Services

Psychologists & Learning Specialists

Our psychologists and learning specialists function as part of the educational team that works closely together to address the needs of all students in the areas of learning, social and emotional development.

They collaborate in pinpointing potential problems, work with parents and teachers to outline difficulties, coordinate information with their Division Director and faculty, implement strategies for the classroom, make outside referrals for further evaluation, as well as coordinate any outside supports the child may be receiving. Additionally, the psychologist and learning specialists are actively involved in many ongoing programs to support children, teachers and parents.

Berkeley Carroll has psychologists and learning specialists in each division which enables the school to better support and follow the growth of individual students as they progress from Lower School to Middle School to Upper School.

Elizabeth Epstein
Director of Learning Strategies

Ekene Botofasina
Upper School Learning Specialist

Carla Triplett, Psy.D
Upper School Psychologist
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday

Susan Beck
Upper School Counselor
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

Peer Tutoring

Middle and Upper School students also have the opportunity to be tutored by Upper School students. Peer tutors are nominated by their teachers and trained in effective tutoring practices.