Brooklyn private independent school


In the Upper School, science students are challenged to think critically about complex problems. They learn to approach both quantitative and qualitative questions systematically, to problem solve effectively, and to make connections beyond the classroom.

Our program provides students with opportunities to gain content knowledge and skills in several areas of science as well as to pursue advanced studies in particular areas of interest. After taking biology in 9th grade and chemistry in 10th, juniors and seniors have considerable choice, whether that means pursuing advanced courses in Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Engineering, or content-specific electives in courses such as Environmental Studies or Psychology.

Especially motivated students can enroll in the three-year long Science Research and Design program which will enable them to understand science as a dynamic, changing field rather than as a static body of knowledge. The sequence culminates in an original research project that includes a presentation and an online scientific journal article.




Science Research and Design


Other Sciences