The Berkeley Carroll "Portrait of a Learner" represents our community's vision for learning and prepares students for the world beyond school.
Our school reflects an array of identities, perspectives, experiences, life stories, and realities.
Berkeley Carroll has a long-standing tradition of excellence in the visual and performing arts, and speech and debate.
Our STEAM program combines STEM and the Arts in a real world way, teaching students a multitude of skills for tackling global challenges.
Portrait of a Learner
Our Portrait of a Learner organizes the school around the habits of mind and essential skills that represent the community’s vision for learning and prepare students for the world beyond school. A cross-divisional committee of educators led the process to create it, seeking input from a variety of stakeholders including teachers, students, alumni, parents, administrators, and the Board of Trustees. Focused on students and the types of learning they will do, the Portrait serves as a foundation for the rigorous and joyous work at our school.
Inclusion and Belonging (DEI)
At Berkeley Carroll, we believe the robust and dynamic learning community described in our school mission requires being an equitable and inclusive school that reflects a vast array of identities, perspectives, experiences, life stories, and realities. Our diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work supports our goal of providing opportunities for every community member to have what they need to be successful in an environment where they feel that they have the opportunity to be their authentic selves, as we believe these are essential components of socio-emotional well-being and academic success.
In order to be actively anti-bias and anti-racist and to affirm the experiences of those who are marginalized in our community and in our society, we have committed to initiatives across all areas of the school and with all constituencies.
The Arts
The arts are an important component of a Berkeley Carroll education. Some opportunities are school-wide, like the annual spring Arts Show at Lincoln Place and the Winter Concert; others are by division or grade level. Starting in the Lower School, our faculty provide the instruction and support that inspiores our students to become proficient in both the visual andn performing arts. Our youngest students perform in choruses, choreograph their own dance routines, and learn new techniques in the visual arts.
In Middle School, every student learns to play a string or wind instrument and can choosed to participate in the jazz ensmble, string orchestra, wind ensemble, and choir. Students get a chance to show off their acting chops in the fall and spring shows, and in the visual arts, they explore art making beyond the classroom. In the Upper School, students can pursue a range of media from photography to sculpture, participate in plays and musicals, play in jazz and wind ensembles, choir, or orchestra and express themselves creatively as they become increasingly skilled in their chosen disciplines.
Berkeley Carroll’s STEAM program offers students exciting opportunities to delve deeply into the intersections of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math and develop skills to solve real-world problems.
A STEAM approach cultivates a multitude of skills, including collaboration. flexibility, creativity, and innovation. And the “A” in STEAM isn’t incidental: from the design process students learn to generate ideas, prototype, expect failure and learn from that failure to create an even better idea.
When we look at the complexity of the global economy, worldwide challenges like climate change, political instability, and immigration, and the centrality of technology in modern life, what’s clear is that a traditional education doesn’t provide adequate preparation for success in the 21st century. All of our students – the future scientists, yes, but also future literary editors, businesspeople, nonprofit directors, educators, and arts administrators – will benefit from mastery of these skills.