Brooklyn private independent school


The middle school science curriculum is an inquiry and Project Based Learning (PBL) program that focuses on building 21st century skills, ethical thinking, a passion for science, and a deep understanding of the scientific method.

PBL is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question, problem, or challenge. Curriculum is organized around authentic real world driving questions that lead students to discover answers through innovation and experimentation. A variety of scientific disciplines are included in each driving question framing one of the PBL units. This approach allows for a spiraling of content throughout the four year science program and provides students with the opportunity for choice.

Different science disciplines are studied each year -- always emphasizing the scientific method and lab report writing and exploration via inquiry based, hands-on and minds-on science.  

In grades 5-8, science meets 5 periods in a 7-day cycle. 4 out of the 5 classes are 50 minutes long and the other class is a 100 minute class.

Recent science electives include: GeoChallenge Team (National Geographic sponsors a national competition where middle school students work in teams of four to six to come up with real-world solutions to real-world problems);  Gardening Club (students learn about gardening practices while they plant, grow, and harvest flowers, vegetables and herbs in the BC rooftop garden); and Zero Waste Elective (Berkeley Carroll is a Zero Waste School, and this elective helps make sure that the middle school is doing everything that it can to meet the goals that have been set).

Science Courses by Grade