In the Middle School, all students take part in the elective program. Electives, most of which are offered to mixed-grade groups, meet on odd days of the eight-day cycle during the regular school day. Students take either one elective that meets four days-per-cycle or two electives that meet two days-per-cycle. Course offerings vary each semester. Recent Middle School elective options are listed below.
Recent Four-day Electives
Recent Two-day Electives (A Day)
- Book Squad (all grades)
- Books, Crafts and Conversation (all grades)
- Ceramic Sculpture (grades 7-8)
- Choir (all grades)
- Dance (grades 7-8)
- Drawing and Painting (grades 5-6)
- Fun with Word Games (all grades)
- Intro to Design (grades 5-6)
- Juggling (all grades)
- Let's Go Viral (all grades)
- Photography (grade 8)
- Programming for Girls (all grades)
- Science Squad (all grades)
- Stories from the Natural World (all grades)
- Toy Making (all grades)
Book Squad (all grades)
Books, Crafts and Conversation (all grades)
Ceramic Sculpture (grades 7-8)
Choir (all grades)
Dance (grades 7-8)
Drawing and Painting (grades 5-6)
Fun with Word Games (all grades)
Intro to Design (grades 5-6)
Juggling (all grades)
Let's Go Viral (all grades)
Photography (grade 8)
Programming for Girls (all grades)
Science Squad (all grades)
Stories from the Natural World (all grades)
Toy Making (all grades)
Recent Two-day Electives (B Day)
- Ceramic Sculpture (grades 5-6)
- Community Action Club (all grades)
- Costa Rica (grades 7-8)
- Dance (grades 5-6)
- History and Strategy of Euro Board Games (all grades)
- Instrumental Lab (grades 5-6)
- Intro to Design (grades 7-8)
- Let's Go Viral (all grades)
- Math Challenge (grades 5-6)
- Middle School Play Production (grades 6-8)
- Retelling Our Stories: Males of Color (grades 7-8)
- SSR (all grades)
- Tech Theater (grades 6-8)
- Theater I (grade 5)
- Toy Making (all grades)