Technology In The Classroom
At Berkeley Carroll, technology isn’t used simply to use technology; its use is incorporated in ways that enhance student learning. We also ensure our students have the skills to be full yet critical participants in the modern world.
Rather than “teach computers” in a separate class, students gain technological proficiency through projects and activities woven into the curriculum. Members of our Tech Department work with faculty in all divisions to determine the tech skills we need to teach, and where in the curriculum those skills can be taught. Most importantly, we aim to help students strike a balance between harnessing the power of technology while recognizing the joy and importance of unplugged time.
Every student in grades 3-6 has been issued an iPad, students in grades 7-8 have been issued a Chromebook, and students in grades 9-12 have been issued a MacBook Air or are given the option of using their own device making every class an opportunity to increase technology skills. In slowly building our One-to-One device program we've worked to make it appropriate for each grade, and to make sure that the device is a tool for teachers and students to take advantage of, and not a distraction.