Brooklyn private independent school

Capital Giving

Periodically, Berkeley Carroll raises money for major improvements to the school’s facilities, to increase endowment funds, or for other transformational projects that require a significant amount of capital. These are investments in Berkeley Carroll’s future and are not funded through either tuition or the Berkeley Carroll Annual Fund.

Today’s students are the beneficiaries of many capital campaigns over the years, from the addition to 181 Lincoln Place in 1992, that doubled the size of the Middle and Upper Schools, to the construction in 2000 of the Athletic Center and pool.

In 2012, Berkeley Carroll raised $5 million with the Sustaining Excellence, Securing the Future campaign. This capital campaign funded new classrooms and a state-of-the-art dining room at 181 Lincoln Place, the renovation of the PreK and Kindergarten building, and the purchase of 152 Sterling Place the home of the school’s new performance space. An investment was also made in the endowment through the Fund for Faculty.

Click here to learn about Berkeley Carroll's current capital campaign, Inspire, Innovate, Ignite.

Berkeley Carroll is proud that past generations of parents and alumni have helped build and shape the school through their support of these transformational campaigns. The school will continue to invest in its future with the philanthropic commitment of new generations.

For information about Capital Giving, please contact Pam Cunningham at 718-534-6580 or